Monday, February 28, 2011

Email back from Hamildog

Dear [Kaitake]

I am sorry you found my explanation of the Ministry’s criteria for publicly funded fertility treatment unsatisfactory. I am sure you can appreciate our obligation to adhere to the Ministry’s guidelines relating to patient scoring as these apply nationally.
Please let me know if you have further information you wish we take into account or if you require further clarification.
As requested, I have posted to you today all your file documentation, including the CPAC scoring sheet.

Kind regards,
Hamilton FA Clinic Manager

So, as you can see she totally still thinks she's in the right and is still backing her doctor. But she's still wrong!!!!

The documents I requested are now in the post, so we will finally get to see where they dropped the 8 points off our form. Should be interesting. My heart pounds and I break out in a sweat just thinking about it.

Maybe she finally sent me the CPAC form because of all the big bananas I had cc'd on my email? Cos she replied pretty promptly and cc'd everyone back, MP, doctor, HDC advocate, husband. Dunno but I suspect that's a good thing? Do you think she sounds hard-arse, or is she just getting all defensive???

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I think she's that *fabulous* (sarcastic, of course) combo of being a hard-arse (i am so going to start saying it that was instead of sounds way cooler, but anyways...) who easily gets defensive when questioned. whatever she wants to think or say though. stay strong and look forward to finally getting your hands on your form!

  2. It's good you get the documents so you an look through it all by yourself. She just don't want to admit the faults done by them. That's my thoughts when reading it.

  3. I think she's being defensive. She wants it to look like you're just some crazy hormonal woman who's blaming everyone else for her infertility or her problems. Hang in there until the scores come, hopefully they will shed some light on this whole mess!

  4. I think having the info first hand to see with my own eyes would be best. She's not a hard-arse, she's just an arse! You have rights!
