Friday, June 25, 2010

Naughty seagulls

I absolutely exhausted myself yesterday by riding my bike just a bit too far. It was good fun though, I got up early and got to see the early morning sun over the mountain. It was a beautiful clear, cold winter day. It seems silly to wear a scarf and gloves when you go biking, but I was thankful that I looked like a snowman as I pedalled through the chilly air!

It's a total of 20kms there and back, and I was going ok until I had to take a detour from my usual route. Some workmen were repairing a section of the track, so I had to ride up a hill and through a small shopping suburb to get out to the lake. Just as I was passing the busiest part, a flock of seagulls dive-bombed me and pooped all over me! :( People on the sidewalk must have thought I was nuts - a mad swearing woman waving her arms and she pedals madly though the shops! :P

Add to that, my phone started to ring (I was expecting a call from my lawyer) so I had to jump off my bike and scrabble through my backpack to find the ringing phone - all while covered in muck! What a morning! :P I sure do know how to have fun :P

How has your week been? I hope you have a nice weekend planned :D


  1. Oh man! I couldn't help but laugh at the picture you laid out. :D But very frustrating! Good grief. I forgot you were on the other side of the world. Isn't the world so interesting? You are wearing scarves and I'm growing my garden. :D

    I wish I could send you a nice fresh cucumber.
    Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. I'm sure the seagulls were laughing too! haha :P Have fun in the sun!

  3. Oh no! And as Bethanne said - it sounds a bit hilarious! Doesn't it mean luck if you get pooped on?

  4. Hey isn't lucky to get crapped on by a seagull? I think it's supposed to be - there you go! :) Your bike ride sounds great. How do you stop yourself going low? Carb up before you go? No insulin with brekkie?

    Happy weekend to you too!

  5. Good luck? Perhaps for everyone else, who didn't get "seagulled"!! :P

    @Saffy, I take a backpack loaded with juice boxes and fruit bars. And maybe a banana if I know it will be a long ride. I test before I go, and I usually don't need any special treatment as long as I'm not below about 5mmol/L (then I might have a banana before starting).

    I usually don't go too low when I exercise, cos of the adrenaline blocking the insulin. So more likely that I will go high. I just make sure to stop and test every now and then :)
